Tuesday, July 19, 2011

You Caught Me In A Transitional Phase.

 This piece to the left was done in my Moleskin with a trusty Sharpie marker. It's a little something I like to call "Where you have vitriol, I only have love". I do these little drawings often, and you'd be surprised how many times worms end up in them. I  rustled up a few other examples to illustrate my point.

Mind you, as a kid I dug up worms like everyone else, but I never had any type of worms as a parasite, or anything that might cause me to obsess about them. I hardly ever think of worms, actually. But put that Sharpie in my hand, and there is a good chance you're getting worms or tendrils of some kind. Tentacles are good, too. But we're talking about worms here. Vermiculated. That's a good word. It means to be worm-eaten, or have a texture like that of being eaten by worms. It sounds funky, but it can be used as describing something decorative. For reals!

That's not a tattoo. It's me not having paper to draw on. What's interesting is that in the top drawing, the worms are something bad, but in the others, not so much. It could be a power thing, like "Yeah, I got worms inside me!" I've heard of a guy who cured his allergies by giving himself tapeworm. That's powerful stuff right there.

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